15th March 2018
Northern Trust Company Ltd has announced that it has successfully gained outline planning permission for up to 93 houses on a 13 acre site situated off Copp Lane in Great Eccleston, North West of Preston.
Alongside the new homes the outline plans include the erection of a single storey building up to 850 sq m of D1 use with associated car parking, open space and landscaping.
The plans were given the green light by the planning inspector after Wyre Borough Council’s planning committee refused the application last May, despite the submission having been recommended for approval by council planners. De Pol Associates acted on behalf of Northern Trust.
A spokesperson for Northern Trust commented: “We are very pleased to have gained planning permission for this site, which will bring significant investment into the area and provide considerable benefit to the local community. De Pol’s robust case to the inspector has resulted in the planning refusal being overturned and a reduction in the S106 contribution of £200,000.”
Northern Trust will now look to commence a disposal strategy, inviting negotiations with prospective house builders.
For more details please contact the land department at Northern Trust on 01257 238555 or email info@northerntrust.co.uk.
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