13th March 2018
Northern Trust Company Ltd has announced that it has successfully gained outline planning permission for up to 171 houses on a 24 acre site situated off Brackenborough Road in Louth.
Alongside new homes the outline plans include significant benefits to the local community including the creation of a link road, a variety of highways improvements, a children’s play area, public open space, the provision of a car-free section of the Round Louth Walk, extensive landscaping and wider infrastructure.
The majority of the site is within an area allocated for new homes in the emerging East Lindsay Local Plan, which seeks to identify land for new development in order to meet the area’s housing targets. The application was recommended for approval by the East Lindsay planning authority and was supported by the planning committee at a meeting on 8th March. Planning consultancy De Pol Associates assisted Northern Trust on the application.
John Tootell, Planning Manager at Northern Trust commented, “We are very pleased to have gained planning permission for the development of this vacant land, which will bring significant investment into the area and provide considerable benefit to the local community with much needed new housing, new road improvements and job creation. The project team, spearheaded by De Pol Associates, have been instrumental in securing approval for this development.”
Alexis De Pol, Managing Director of De Pol Associates, added: “This proposal seeks to deliver a wide mix of new homes for Louth and makes the best use of a site which has been identified as appropriate for development in the emerging local plan. While it is on the edge of the settlement, it is adjacent to previous residential development and we were able to demonstrate it is a sustainable location.
“We have listened to the concerns of local residents with regards to congestion within the town and have proposed a number of highways improvements to be delivered alongside the development, and the provision of public open space, play facilities and public footpaths for the benefit of the wide community.”
Northern Trust will now look to commence a disposal strategy, inviting negotiations with prospective house builders.
For more details please contact the land department at Northern Trust on 01257 238555 or email info@northerntrust.co.uk.
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