21st November 2013
Northern Trust Company Limited, on behalf of the landowner, has submitted plans for the redevelopment of the former Wall Park Holiday Centre in Brixham.
The new plans, which have been subject to an extensive consultation exercise, include the creation of 2 new sports pitches and changing facilities, and a high quality touring caravan and camping site with facilities building and café.
The plans also include considerable ecological and landscape improvements, including the reinstatement of historical hedgerows and a bat barn and significant recreational opportunities, including the provision of footpaths and cycle ways, which improves the community’s access to Berry Head. In addition the new application also includes a provision for 165 new family homes with a proportion of affordable.
A spokesperson on behalf of Northern Trust commented “We have listened carefully to the local community and key stakeholders; and have been encouraged by the feedback we have received by the new proposals. Northern Trust are committed to investing in Brixham and redeveloping a derelict brownfield site, by delivering a scheme which will not only enhance the area but will also benefit the local community with new sports and recreational facilities www.cied4business.org.”
Northern Trust continues to work closely with the Local Authority and anticipate the planning application will be determined in early 2014.
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Notes to Editors:
Press Enquiries; Northern Trust: Rosalyn Booth, 01257 238555 or rbooth@lyntonhouse.com