4th August 2010
Development plans for Ingol have now been finalised revealing new access for the public into 124 acres of private land to create what will be
Northern Trust has submitted proposals as part of their new planning application which reveals a high quality, eco friendly development of around 540 dwellings set within the grounds of the former Ingol golf club. These plans will reduce pressure for development on the surrounding greenbelt and open countryside and deliver a wide range of much needed family homes.
After carrying out an extensive consultation exercise with members of the public, councillors and statutory bodies such as Preston City Council, Lancashire County Council and Sport England, the following recommendations have been put forward as part of the revised development proposals for the site:
A spokesperson for Northern Trust said: “This proposal would bring back into use a redundant site, providing new homes in an existing residential area, without imposing upon the greenbelt or other open countryside. It represents a good balance in meeting local housing needs, preserving important wildlife habitats and providing publicly accessible open space. The community will benefit from open access to the majority of the site for recreational purposes, which it has wanted, but not previously had.
“We felt it was important to set out a series of general guidelines for the regeneration of the site and thus have produced this masterplan to ensure future development is undertaken as part of an agreed framework.
“We are still interested in hearing how residents would like the existing clubhouse site to be used to benefit the community, be it as a sports facility, social hub, meeting place or youth club.”
1. Masterplan
Press contact: Deborah Garritty/
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