30th August 2017
Metacre Ltd is pleased to confirm that it has submitted an outline planning application for the development of land off Parr Lane in Eccleston, near Chorley.
The outline plans include the erection of 33 homes, together with the provision for 14 community allotments. The allotments will be a mixture of full size plots (250 sq m) and half size plots (125 sq m), with car parking, sheds and water supply. The residential element of the scheme will predominately comprise of 1, 2 or 3 bedroom apartments / houses, together with a number of bungalows and a proportion of affordable housing.
A spokesperson from Metacre Ltd commented “We are delighted with the public’s positive response to the consultation exercise held in May and have taken on board all feedback which has helped formulate the final plans for the site. Metacre are committed to providing the allotments and housing needed in the village and will continue to liaise with the local community; key stakeholders and local council on bringing forward these plans which will benefit the local area.”
Alexis De Pol of Chartered Town Planners De Pol Associates commented “There is a clear and increasing demand for people to grow their own food and it is understood from Chorley Council that there is currently a 5 year waiting list to obtain an allotment plot across the borough. Indeed this demand was reflected in the public consultation exercise undertaken with residents of Eccleston, with 29% of respondents expressing an interest in an allotment plot.
Mr De Pol added “Whilst the site is allocated as safeguarded land for future development in the local plan, the opportunity exists now to propose a development able to meet both the housing and allotment needs of the local community.”
For more details please contact Metacre Ltd on 01257 238555
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