17th February 2011
Northern Trust has submitted an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate, meaning the decision on its planning application for the former Ingol Golf Club will not now be made by Preston City Council but an independently appointed Inspector.
The appeal is as a result of the City Council failing to determine the application within the statutory time period allowed and there is no likelihood of the council making a decision in the short term.
A spokesperson for Northern Trust commented “Whilst it is unfortunate that we have had to take this course of action, it is an entirely normal part of the planning process and is designed to ensure a formal decision is made more quickly. We feel that a public inquiry will enable an Inspector to fully consider the enormous benefits the proposal will bring to the wider area.
“The proposal has been very carefully designed by experts in each of the relevant fields to ensure it makes best use of this privately owned vacant land within the urban area.
“If the application is approved, the scheme will provide much needed affordable housing, ecological protection for important species, a safe and secure open space measuring bigger than Moor Park with the financial and management backing to keep it accessible to the public, community facilities meeting local aspirations and homes which currently are not being delivered in accordance with set targets.”
It is expected that a public inquiry into the application will be held in the spring.
For more information and to view the fly through video please visit the dedicated website www.ingolvision.co.uk.
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