17th February 2011
Northern Trust is pleased to announce proposals for the regeneration of the Carrington Centre, Eccleston,
The proposals, which have been the subject of discussions with Chorley Borough Council, will regenerate and improve the long established retail centre by demolishing the existing mill, offices and shops and replacing them with brand new retail and office units, local grocery store and library.
The aim is to create a village centre with modern commercial features in a landscaped setting retaining the village feel of Eccleston. Central to the scheme will be a new retail centre comprising a replacement local grocery store and a parade of shops. The library will be accommodated and new office suites will occupy upper floors. The car parking will be vastly improved to provide an impressive front entrance and new servicing facilities will make deliveries to all units easier. Through a phased approach all the existing buildings will be demolished. Access to the retail centre will be from The Green as at present. The rear of the site will be redeveloped for new family homes including a significant element of affordable homes for local people and new community facilities, with a new entrance at the rear of the site.
The site has suffered in recent years with a number of units remaining empty. Maintenance costs have escalated to such a level that it is not financially viable to carry on repairing the structure and fabric of the property, and comprehensive redevelopment is the only realistic way forward. We are therefore committed to working with local people, occupiers and the Council to upgrade this vitally important village centre and provide opportunities to shop and work in much better, modern surroundings.
It is hoped that the planning application will be submitted in the spring and Northern Trust is inviting local people to view and comment on the draft proposals at a public consultation event being held on Monday 31st January.
The event will be hosted by Northern Trust staff and will be open to residents between 4:00pm and 8:00pm in the former bistro shop, number 12 in the Carrington Centre.
For further details please contact Northern Trust on 01257 238555.
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