21st June 2012
Northern Trust Company Ltd, which is working with the landowner to regenerate the former Sugar Beet Facility at Allscott near Telford, has officially launched a dedicated website for the site. has been developed as part of public consultation process for the regeneration of circa 100 acres of the former heavy industrial site. It is hoped that regeneration of the site will substantially enhance the quality and attractiveness of the area whilst introducing opportunities for the rural economy.
As the plans progress the website will be regularly updated to provide information on each stage of the process. Further details are incorporated on the background to the site, and potential benefits for Allscott have been highlighted. There is also the opportunity for members of the community or other interested parties to lodge their interest or submit their comments about the regeneration plans.
A spokesperson for Northern Trust commented “We know there is a great deal of interest in the regeneration proposals for the site, so the launch of the website will make it easier for people to view the plans as they progress. We hope the website will encourage residents and businesses to get in touch with their suggestions and start to facilitate a valuable dialogue between us and the local community.”
Northern Trust is committed to the regeneration of this site and provision of a high quality development at Allscott which is appropriate to the surrounding area and will attract future growth and investment to the area. Working alongside the Council, local community and key stakeholders, there is an opportunity to transform this extensive brownfield site to create a new sustainable community which can develop as an integrated place within the rural economy.
In addition to the website, Northern Trust will also hold a public consultation event in the summer, during which views will be invited in order to identify and asses a range of options available for the regeneration of the site.
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Notes to Editors: Press Enquiries to Rosalyn Booth, Northern Trust, 01257 238555.
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